Reformed Christians, also known as Calvinists or in some cases, Presbyterians, are a branch of Protestantism that is based on the theological teachings of Swiss reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and other leaders of the 16th-century Protestant Reformation.
The fundamental principles of Calvinism are outlined in Calvin’s “Institutes of the Christian Religion” and other Reformed writings.
In this article, we will explore the core beliefs of Reformed Christians, as well as their impact on theology, the church, and society.
1. Reformed Theology
Reformed Christians adhere to certain theological principles that have been influenced by the teachings of John Calvin and other reformers. Some of these principles are:
- Sovereignty of God:
Reformed believers affirm the absolute sovereignty of God over all things, including salvation and human history. This belief is manifested in the doctrine of predestination, which holds that God has sovereignly chosen certain individuals for salvation before the foundation of the world.
- Irresistible Grace:
According to Reformed teaching, God’s grace is effective and irresistible for those He has chosen for salvation. This means that those whom God has predestined will be irresistibly drawn to Him and cannot resist His call to faith.
- Unconditional Election:
Reformed believers maintain that God’s election for salvation is not based on any human merit but on His sovereign will. This means that God sovereignly chooses certain individuals for salvation without regard to their deeds or decisions.
- Limited Atonement:
Although there is some diversity of views within Calvinism, many Reformed believers uphold the doctrine of limited atonement, which asserts that the death of Jesus Christ was effective only for the salvation of God’s elect.
- Perseverance of the Saints:
Reformed believers hold to the perseverance of the saints, meaning that those whom God has chosen for salvation will persevere in faith until the end and cannot lose their salvation.
2. Authority of Scripture
Reformed Christians affirm the supreme authority of Scripture in matters of faith and practice. The Bible is considered the inspired Word of God and the only rule of faith and conduct for believers.
Reformed believers emphasize the importance of interpreting Scripture carefully and faithfully, and many adopt a Christ-centered hermeneutical approach that seeks to interpret the entire Bible in light of its redemptive message.
3. Worship and Ecclesiastical Practice
- Liturgical Worship:
Reformed liturgy tends to be orderly and centered on the preaching of the Word. Worship services typically include the reading of Scripture, expository preaching, prayer, and participation in the sacraments of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
- Ecclesiastical Governance:
Many Reformed churches adopt a Presbyterian system of governance, in which elders (presbyters) are elected by the congregation to exercise spiritual and pastoral authority under the oversight of a higher body of presbyters. This system is based on the New Testament model of church governance.
4. Ethics and Social Engagement
Reformed Christians often emphasize the importance of living a holy and obedient life to God in all areas of life. This can manifest in a personal and community ethic that includes individual responsibility, integrity, commitment to social justice, and care for the needy.
Many Reformed churches are actively involved in social service ministries, global missions, and human rights advocacy.
5. Historical and Contemporary Influence
Calvinism has had a significant influence on the history of the church and Western society. During the Protestant Reformation, Calvin’s teachings helped shape Reformed theology and establish a distinct confessional identity for many Protestant churches in Europe and beyond.
The Reformed tradition has also left its mark on the politics, economy, and culture of nations where it has flourished.
Today, Reformed Christians continue to be a vibrant presence in the global Christian community. Their theological teachings, emphasis on the sovereignty of God, and commitment to the Word of God remain relevant to many seeking a faith that is solid and grounded in biblical truth.
In conclusion, Reformed Christians embrace a God-centered theology that emphasizes His sovereignty in human salvation, and this is through Jesus alone and by faith in Him alone.
Their commitment to Scripture, their reverent worship, and their ethics of social engagement are central aspects of their confessional identity.
Although they may differ in certain theological points and ecclesiastical practices, Reformed Christians share a common legacy with believers in Jesus throughout all ages, that is, the Gospel of Christ.